Working with the Inevitable
by Symon Braun Freck, MVA 2022

A film inspired by love, loss, and exploration, Working with the
Inevitable attempts to make sense of end-of-life care and the limitless
possibilities within the field of Thanatology—the study of death, dying, and bereavement. Working with the Inevitable breaks down misconceptions of end-of-life care by shedding light on the endless facets within the discipline through an exploration of the career choices of people approaching the space from divergent vantages. Against the backdrop of the filmmaker’s own connection with death and dying, the film follows four professionals working in Thanatology who have pursued drastically different paths. A doctor, a professor, a funeral director, and a death doula share their journeys and insight on death positivity and education. Hoping to motivate viewers to take a deeper look at their own relationship with death, this honest film dives into the complexities of one of the only inevitabilities of human life.
Running time: 23 minutes