Makuyeika: Wixaritari in the City
by Alejandro Perez MVA 2021

Makuyeika: One who roams. The Wixarika are an ethnic group indigenous to the Western Sierra of Mexico. Said to have fled Spanish conquest to seek refuge high in the mountains, the Wixarika—widely but erroneously known as Huichol—through relative isolation have maintained some continuity in their language and religious traditions. Wixarika have very distinct religious beliefs and practices that involve the veneration of corn, deer, and peyote as well as the gods and goddesses that represent the natural elements. Since around the 1960’s, Wixarika arts, crafts, and aesthetics have gained worldwide recognition. A wide demand for their creations has prompted members of this ethnic group to travel out of the mountains to the cities to sell their products, adding a new dimension to their social and cultural dynamics.
Running time: 29 minutes